Thursday, 11 August 2011

Revealed: Online Video Marketing Tips To Boost Your Business

Are you on the lookout for some online video marketing tips that could essentially help you grasp the attention of your viewers?

If you are, then this article is definitely written for you. Find below some of the things that you might need to consider to further understand the need to take on some online video marketing techniques to boost your business.

Tip #1: Brand Awareness Through Video Sharing

First and foremost, know that YouTube and the other fast becoming popular video sharing sites or hosts are not created for the sole purpose of uploading kids' funniest videos or perhaps your kids' endeavors in various singing contests. Take note that it is actually a massive tool that you can use to promote your business online.

By uploading videos of your products, you are actually exposing your brand further and therefore, creating more awareness among your target market.

In other words, the best online video marketing tips would include that of creating appealing videos of your products to create "brand awareness".

Tip # 2: No To Hard-Selling Videos

Take note that the best video marketing techniques online marketers must always remember is to avoid creating videos meant to be an advertorial or what you call an advertisement/commercial.

YouTube viewers are not at all interested about watching commercials online. Never hard sell, that's one. You are not uploading your videos to sell your product but more of to drive traffic that will help you capture your market.

Tip # 3: Be Informative In Your Videos

What is more, it is very crucial that you put in as much information as you can into the videos you create. Tips-type of information is believed to be more effective. Have a logo of your product in the video, or put some suggestions in the end on how the viewers can learn more about your product. Or perhaps invite them to check out your website to see more details.

Tip # 4: Make Entertaining Videos To Grab Viewers' Attention

Last but not least, one of the online video marketing tips you should never do without is the ingredient of "entertainment" in your videos.

You see, viewers will make the switch and in an instant be gone when they catch a glimpse of an uninteresting video in YouTube.

For this, take note that the videos you will create and upload should be 100% amusing and engaging. That is the only way you can catch their attention, drive traffic and boost your sales.


  1. I am glad that we have a humongous batch of writers who loves to write regarding online video marketing and its benefits. I hope this can help you as well. Thanks.

  2. Online videos are certainly great marketing tools. When placed in an effective spot, these video ads will work like a steel knife cutting butter. Online videos are more of great content combined with precise positioning.

    -Dylan May

  3. Online viewers today are more likely to be entertained rather than informed whenever they watch video clips, and they might get bored if a clip is bombarded with information without any emotions. So video marketers should take time to understand what it is that would tickle the hearts and minds of their audience.

    Rose Ector
